This website is dedicated to my passion for collecting evidence of past life on this little orb we call the Earth.
Did you know there are fossils in sedimentary rock in almost every corner of the world?

For instance, 145 MILLION years ago the middle of North America was an inland sea known as the Western Interior Seaway. Ancient sea creatures of all manner lived and died in this sea, and the remains of these creatures settled to the bottom.
These sea fossils were covered by sediment and as time went on the sea dried up, and those ancient sea fossils remained protected. Until now.
These ancient sea creatures can be collected from the middle of Canada to Kansas to the fields of Alabama. All one has to do is find an open field or an area where the road has been cut through a hill and look.
55 Million years ago, the western half of Wyoming was a lake. Fish fossils are abundant in this area, and in fact, fossils from this area are world famous and sold as souvenirs in places as far away as Australia.

Central Utah, on the other hand, was an ocean 500 million years ago. the proof of the life that existed in that ancient sea is seen in the trilobites collected there.
Follow us as we journey through time, find out some of the places to collect fossils along the way, and own a piece of the distant past.
I am here because of my passion for evidence of ancient life on Earth. From time to time I highlight products or services on these pages that I enjoyed or that I think you would enjoy. Some of these products put a few extra coins in my back pocket and that’s how I pay for the website. Please do not, in any way, feel you have to purchase anything you see here. I am here because of FOSSILS.
Please feel free to leave a comment, tell us your fossil stories, or tell us how to improve our website.
Very interesting.
I have always had an interest in learning about fossils and what used to roam this earth. I mean we have made some great discoveries this way. Of course I am a huge fan of the ocean and I think my favorite discovery was the Megalodon shark. What a fascinating and amazing creature. Can’t wait to see what all you have to discuss. Thank you
Hi Melissa, I’ve been collecting fossils most of my life, so my next project is to get this website up to where people can look at my collections! So stay tuned, it’s going to be a project! Thanks for the comment!
Good afternoon,
I too am a collector. I like where you are going with this web site. I have a lot of Moroccan fossils. Being that they came from phosphates mines, they are brittle. I have read many different opinions about preparation. My thoughts are, the less toxic the better for the fossils. I was looking for a recipe about clear elmers glue and water. what are your thoughts
David, that is what I use. I like the Elmers solution because it dries and doesn’t leave a shiny finish. Plus, it’s a rather inert mixture so no damage to the fossil.
Hi Steve,
Near where I lived in SW Wisconsin USA, there was a rock quarry where one could find a fair amount of Trilobites. When my girls were young, we would explore road cuts and look for fossils and I’d explain the various layers in the rock. I felt it was more exciting learning that way than from a book. 🙂
Happy Hunting!
Mel Waller
Thanks for the comment Mel, I too love to pull over and look at the rocks where they cut a road through!
Happy hunting to you too!